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Pimlico is a full-fledged account abstraction infrastructure platform that provides a set of advanced tools to help you build with smart accounts.

Account abstraction is a feature that allows users to customize their Ethereum accounts using smart contract logic. This unlocks new capabilities, such as multi-sig, social recovery, meta-transactions, batched transactions, and paying for transactions with ERC-20 tokens.

Pimlico offers a wide range of tools to help you get started on your smart account journey including:

  • Bundler
  • Paymaster
  • Comprehensive metrics and analytics
  • Advancement debugging / userOperation simulation
  • Sponsorship policies
  • Permissionless.js

Integrating Pimlico

Pimlico and Account Abstraction can be easily added to existing projects or used to build new ones.

To get started, check out our comprehensive documentation. You can find things such as:

  • Tutorials on how to integrate paymasters to make gasless transactions.

  • Docs on how to use Permissionless.js, our vendor neutral SDK that works with all popular smart account types.

  • Tips on how to debug and solve common errors

  • Guides on how to use setup custom sponsorship policies to finetune exactly what type of transactions your application wants to sponsor.

  • Pimlico Dashboard to view all your analytics and metrics as well as debugging tools.

Developers and community

If you have any questions or issues, contact us on the following platforms: