The Pyth network is the largest first-party oracle network, securely and transparently delivering real-time market data to multiple chains.
The network comprises some of the world’s largest exchanges, market makers, and financial services providers. These publish proprietary data on-chain for aggregation and distribution to smart contract applications.
Using Pyth network
The Pyth network introduces an innovative low-latency pull oracle design, where users can pull price updates on-chain when needed, enabling everyone in the blockchain environment to access that data point. Pyth network updates the prices every 400ms, making Pyth the fastest on-chain oracle.
Developers on Kakarot have permissionless access to any of Pyth’s price feeds for equities, ETFs, commodities, foreign exchange pairs, and cryptocurrencies.
Here is a working example of a contract that fetches the latest price on the Kakarot network. You have to pass Pyth's contract address for Kakarot network and the desired price feed ID to fetch the latest price.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/IPyth.sol";
import "@pythnetwork/pyth-sdk-solidity/PythStructs.sol";
contract MyFirstPythContract {
IPyth pyth;
constructor(address _pyth) {
pyth = IPyth(_pyth);
function fetchPrice(
bytes[] calldata updateData,
bytes32 priceFeed
) public payable returns (int64) {
// Fetch the priceUpdate from hermes.
uint updateFee = pyth.getUpdateFee(updateData);
pyth.updatePriceFeeds{value: updateFee}(updateData);
// Fetch the latest price
PythStructs.Price memory price = pyth.getPrice(priceFeed);
return price.price;
Here you can fetch the updateData
from our Hermes
, which listens to Pythnet and Wormhole for price updates; or you can use the pyth-evm-js
SDK. Check How to Fetch Price Updates to pull the latest data.
This package provides utilities for consuming prices from the Pyth network oracle using Solidity. Also, it contains the Pyth Interface ABI that you can use in your libraries to communicate with the Pyth contract.
We recommend following the consumer best practices when consuming Pyth data.
For more information, check out the official Pyth documentation. There are details on the various functions available for interacting with the Pyth smart contract in the API Reference section.
Pyth Price Feeds on Kakarot
The Pyth Network smart contract is available at the following address:
- Kakarot Sepolia Testnet:
Additionally, click to access the Pyth price-feed IDs.
Developers and community
The Pyth network provides additional tools to developers, such as TradingView Integration, or the Gelato web3 functions.
Check out the following links to get started with Pyth.